For my proposal I would like to spend more time thinking about who I am as an artist and what I want to express to viewers of my work. Thus far, I have really been intrigued by personal expression as well interacting with other individuals in society. That being said, I brainstormed a few ideas that would involve me the photographer or cameraman directly with participants.
1) For my previous video project, I taped several students blowing bubblegum. This in itself is a fun task, yet at the same time is a very intimate thing. What if I photographed a person blowing a bubble and them in midst of this action? This would require very fast shooting to capture the " perfect" bubble. In addition, I would need to research the most effective chewing bubble gum and find willing models. I believe that this action will in some aspect break down the barrier between me and the participant.
2) Participate in the photos directly. This would be quite gutsy and I could look like a nut case however, It would be very interesting to ask random people if I could take my photograph with them. Just as if I was a tourist in a foreign country, I will act like I want a picture of everything and everyone. This idea intrigues me because I really enjoy being social and interacting with others. Even though this would a bold project, I believe this project would push me not only as an artist but also as a person.
Goal: A 10 Photograph series.
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